Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Our Prelim Task!

Hey guys here is our pre-lim task!:

We decided to shoot our prelim with the intention of the boy coming across as a confident teenager who happens to meet a girl whom he once spoke to at a party.They then they depart for a coffee...

The first shot is an establishing shot as he walks through the automatic doors and turns left at the double doors,we then have a close up of his hand on the door adding suspension to the scene as we don't know whats behind the door. The two then begin to hit it off in the conversation shot and as they remember they know each other we get a reaction shot of the two stunned faces. We then see the cocky yet confident character perch himself on the table and the two begin to speak more.The next shot is a long shot of the couple walking off into the distance hand in hand. Finally we have a close up of the main character turning and winking as he succesfully has scored with the female character.

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