The first shot is a close up of Kale, the main character having a house arrest tag fitted,and we see a formal women telling him that he is all set to go nowhere meaning he cant escape,it then fades to a shot of the highcourt and a stern voice once agian reminding him that he is under house arrest as though he can't shake it off and those words are fixated in his head. It then fades back to him erecting a sandwich tower due to the boredom he is facing showing he desperatley needs something to do,It then cuts to a hammer slamming down and the music begins to big up in volume and the bass kicks in as the story line thickens. We then get an establishing shot of him walking the garden with a voice over of the conditions of the house arrest and then, the same as with the hammer the shot rapidly cuts and a gnome slams down on the to the lawn in time with the music making you jump.
We then see Kale with a pair of binoculars watching his neighbours which is typical of a thriller film with the charcters always beeing spyed on.At first all he seems to spy on are young women in there bikins but after being caught out spying by a fellow victim she arrives at his door and we then have the other character. You then get a tilt shot of a couple going through the door and it the camera then tilts up to show them expressing there love. You then get a rapid amount of quick shots measuring only about a second or so of various nights of spying on there nieghbours, the music is upbeat and then suddenly a loud noise erupts and the music dies down as you hear a splat and see blood splash across a window they were spying on.
There spying then gets more serious with close ups of high tech camera equpment and an over the shoulder shot of Kale setting up the tripod for his camera and then we zoom in from the O.T.S to see the image on the video camera of a man holding a knife.The music at this point is very jumpy and puts you on edge,and as the camera zooms in on a blurry image of a woman a scream begins to build up and then blare out and you and Kale jump back. The last few mid shots are all very dark relating to the dark story line and sets the scene for something else to happen. the music is very quiet and loud sound effects are used such as screams or cars breaking to add atmoshpere.
The trailer creates a great deal of tension and really makes me want to go and see the film, it is very effective and makes you jump at certain points and gets you involved in the film instantly. Heres the video for anyone else who wants to watch it:

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